Monday, October 25, 2010

When I adopted my newest kitten.

This is him. He's the sweetest. He has very wonky hind legs, so when he runs, he runs diagonally. He also can't jump, so he has to claw himself up my bed. He's very healthy though. I just have to put a chair or some other platform for him to step on if he wants to go on top of something.


  1. Congrats on the new addition! Very cute :)

    Does this mean you're more of a cat person than a dog person? (since you have one dog and many cats, lol)

  2. i'm probably more drawn to cats :) but i love my puppy too.

  3. Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I love the way you draw kitties!

  4. LOVE the new cat ^^ it's beautiful =D=D
    I love the way you draw manage to capture the cuteness in them ^^

  5. Oh, he is so precious!

  6. omg those puffed up cats are the cutest thing i've ever seen!!!!!!!!

  7. aw thanks.

    OMG puffed up cats are so cute!

  8. You've got to be the sweetest cat person I've ever known. And I love your comics! (:

  9. Yay! Wonky-legged kitty haz found a forever home!

  10. why is he in a cage??just curious..He is adorable btw!!!

  11. He is very cute! Did the other cats accept him, like in the comic, or are they still working on it?

  12. heeeee.... I love the poofed out kittehs! Your cartoons always make me giggle.

  13. Precious! I'm glad your "resident" kitties accepted the new one without much fuss. When we got a 3rd kitty, it took months for our other cats to adjust. Nothing violent happened, there just was a lot of hissing and growling.

  14. What a pretty kitten! >*.*<

    I hope that last frames takes place when I introduce my Dimitri to my fiance´s Dante! I'm very scared because Dimitri and I are traveling from Buenos Aires to California and on top of that, he has to get acquainted with another cat and house =/.

    Love your blog!


  15. Congratulations!A new cat is always a challenge :)
    Love the blog! as a devoted cat lover I must admit your drawings are SO true! LOL :)

  16. Awww! Welcome to this cutie little tiger!

  17. I had a simular thing happen when reintroducing my cat to her sister who had also come to live with us a few months after I got the first cat... It just took a week before the puffy suspicious kitties decided to like each other. Now they sleep together, one sucking the blankets, the other, her toe. Too cute! =^.^=

  18. For the issue of being able to climb from the floor to the be without clawing up your sheets and covers, I suggest getting some sort of cat furniture. Petco/Petsmart have some really good stuff for that. When I got my kitten he wanted to climb -everything- so I got a cat furniture tower and he would just claw his way up and down the side. Heheh. Good luck with the new adorable one!

  19. Aww, I wish my kitties would hiss and make up. As it is they only slightly tolerate each other and still get in fist fights :(

  20. adorable post, don't we all feel like that when we adopt? PURRFECT!

    your newest addition is precious! Gorgeous! We wish you many happy years together!

  21. What a sweetie! I'm glad he and the others get along. I love your comic, too. Such a great understanding of cats!

  22. lmao wow if only my cats got along this well lol. they hissed at each other for like a month before we could get them to get along!

  23. SOOO cute! He seems like a darling.

    I have such trouble resisting during the adoption drives around here, but with seven cats already, I really can't afford any more.

  24. It's hard to read your comics when your cat discovers that your shoulder is the perfect spot for spying on the birds eating at the birdfeeder just behind you...

    Absolutely love your work, and that new kitten is cute! Do you have any video of any of your cats? You can see mine at

  25. They will get along and be best of friends soon!

    Congrats on your new addition! Just another one more to love!!!

  26. oh he is in a kennel because when foster/adoption agencies take them out to be adopted, they need a place to hold them so they don't run around.

    the cats are going along quite splendidly. the boy cat and the kitten are BFFs, and they wrestle and run after each other. they also love to play in the yard. the girl cat is totally cool with the kitten too :) but she's not that playful as she's more of a lap kitty more than anything--and she's over 12 years old. she loves people. the dog is friendly with the kitten too--he licks his face sometimes. and kitten LOVES wrestling with his tail :)

    i'd like to have more cats but my house is teeny!

  27. I love the hissing balls of fur. Awesome. That was Eddy when Kalli joined our household. He was 12 and completely neurotic whenever we left him alone. Now he's playful, happy and they are the best of friends. Except when she bites his head. I love your artwork.

  28. He's adorable! Love this one, especially the puffy kitties. I'm amazed at the rapid acceptance. It took my 18 yo years to "accept" her own biological daughter. LOL. Thanks for my awwwwww of the day!

  29. Congratulations on your lucky new kitty!! I always want more, but the ones I have demand so much attention! I've been considering fostering to curb the "itch", lol! Good luck integrating him into your existing pride of cats. He really does look like a mini version of Tony the Tiger! :)

  30. thanks! there were a couple days when i had to be around them supervised because the boy kitty plays very roughly. but after that, he's taken the kitten in as his "son". the kitten adores him and they play all the time. they love to wrestle. and when my boy kitty was feeling crummy, kitten was by his side, and being sweet to him.

  31. HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! AWWWW thanks for adopting a kitty with wonky hind legs! The cartoons are BRILLIANT as always. That's TOTALLY how it fact I'm like that crazy adoption lady when it comes to my fosters being adopted! LOLOLOL I always wish for an OPEN adoption! LOL

  32. aww yay for giving a kitty a home <3

  33. This is so super cute!! Congrats on your new kitten & best of luck with him!! <3

  34. He's gorgeous! this post describes the same situation with my new cat, Bruno, and my cat Ville! Now they'r bff!!!

  35. He is adorabul! *pets*

  36. He's beautiful! It's great that you adopted one with funny legs. Those seem to be the kinds of kitties that are often left behind, unadopted.

  37. @adrienne - yeah. the foster mom was saying that while many people thought he was cute, he had been with her longer than the rest of the kitties. he's also quite loud and all over the place, so i can see why some people would've been hesitant. but when i brought him home, he was extremely sweet, and LOVES to cling on me--especially when i wear stockings. now many of my stockings and tights have tears. i also have lots of scratches on my legs. lol!

    when i have a bigger home, i want to adopt more "broken" kitties. if no one loves them, i will!

    that sounded creepy.

  38. OMC he's ADORABLE! (But then, I feel that way about EVERY cat and kitten!) I'm just like you about kittehs. Isn't life wonderful with cats?!! ;)

  39. Bless you guys (even if you're not religious). What a lucky kitty to have such awesome and funny owners. And it's a beauty, too!

  40. Soooooooooooo much love for you

  41. Good on you guys for taking in the "broken" kitty. He's so adorable too! :D I wish I had the means to care for kitties with special needs.

    I had a prof in college that would take in cats with lifetime illnesses that needed extra special care. He loved those cats so much he would randomly put pictures of them, showing them off, in PowerPoint slides he showed us just for giggles.

  42. Congratulations on the new kitty!

    Just a couple months ago, I adopted a kitty who also has wonky hind legs! Just like yours, she is perfectly healthy in every other way--she's just not especially athletic. Mine is 5 years old and was declawed by her previous owner, so clawing up anything isn't an option. I'm using boxes and crates all over the house as little steps and this is working just fine for us. :)

  43. aw! i was just thinking that the other day...what if Kitten was declawed?! he wouldn't have been able to climb stuff! you're sweet to do that lindsey!

    my older cat LOVES to climb trees. the Kitten can't, and would look up to his older i lift kitten up and make him claw up the tree while i hold him. but his back side is too weak that he can't pull himself up. sigh. i might hammer little platform steps on the tree so he can climb up just by hopping on the steps.

  44. oh he is just adorable. i have a cat with only three legs and am a big advocate for adopting "special needs" kitties. i think it's great that you chose this little guy!

  45. squee! just came across your stuff: LOVE it!!! : D keep up the great work!

  46. Is that supposed to be Jason Mraz?ARE YOU DATING JASON MRAZ???

    heheheh new kitten :D

  47. You make me want another kitteh so bad! Seriously tho, the hubby and I are thinking about it because Cordelia Joy is young and loves to play. I can't seem to play with her enough. Bella Mae is older and would much rather be alone than picked on by 'the squirt'. We have a smaller apartment/house set-up so I worry it might be too much to have three kitties vs. 2. Our apartment/house is approx. 2 bedroom 1 bath with a nice-sized living room.

  48. Lol its so true! I foster kittens and I always have them email me pics just so I know they're okay. My cats always hiss at them at first, then everybody cleans each other and sleeps together lol

  49. I love your comics. They remind me of my day to day life with my kitty. I laugh at so many of these because they are things that my kitty has done and are so true about cats in general.

  50. Aww, congrats on the addition! He's simply adorable, and I love that you love "broken" kitties as much as me!! I have a broken former-street-cat, Gracie, who is missing most of her ears (lost to the cold winters), had a broken-never-fixed tail, and messed up toes and nails, also due to the frostbite. But she's GREAT! She sat in a shelter for two years, being picked over for "cuter" cats, until I took her home. She's so fantastic, has such a great personality, and I love her to bits despite her broken bits.

  51. I love my broken kitty too! Our little Bird was a sickly critter before we got her, and multiple respiratory tract infection scarred her eyeball, so she's a little half blindish. I think her sickliness did some brain damage too, 'cause she's nto so bright...

    My best friend also has a one eyed cat!

  52. I'm a bit hormonal and that made me nearly cry. But in a good way. You know what I mean. The way you draw the kitten, so tiny... oh dear. Here I go again...

  53. aw thanks guys! i'm a bleeding heart for "broken" kitties too. or anything broken for that matter :/ i'm glad you liked the comic.

    oh, and after about a month or so, kitten is now 2x that size O_o and he eats a LOT. i think he may be part maine coon because of his very bushy tail. and he's big.

  54. My cat who had a thrombosis claws his way up the bed too, it's so adorable :) Good to see people adopting kitties with issues, they need love!

  55. hi yasmine!!! greetings from manila~

    is his name segway? i have just read your interview with IHAVECAT. omg.. so cute

  56. Wonderful blog you have there, I love it !
    The kitty is lovely too, such a shame his leg issues :(

  57. Love it! Are his legs wonky because of cerebellar hypoplasia? Like this kitteh?

  58. Oh my god I just typed "kitteh" subconsciously.

  59. oh, he was wonky hind legs because when someone tried to trap him when he was a stray, the cage door fell on his back :(

  60. Oh my God! Your comics... it's like you're describing me and my wife exactly. And even our cats. We have a cat named Thumper. There's something wrong with her back legs too. When she runs, it's like her butt goes back and forth and sometimes it gets ahead of her, so she just falls over. She plays it off like she meant to do it though, and then does a weird little strut into the nearest hiding place.

    I've read that there are always other people in the world just like you, but this is just surreal. The tag line under my photo on Facebook was even "I like cake" for over a year and a half.

  61. You know many years ago I got a kitten who was also lame of his hinds and had them crooked (a bus run over them) but was pretty young about 4 months old and a couple months later he was walking perfectly fine, lived almost 12 years til last year probably your lovely kitty will recover
    Wonderful blog, just found it and I'd love to follow it!

  62. Has this really happened? I'd like to adopt another cat but I'm worried the resident cat may not like him/her :/

  63. yes it did happen. he is very very big now, but he still has wonky hind legs.

    sometimes it may take a week or two for the resident cat to take a liking, or at least tolerate the new cat. maybe you should try fostering first and see which cats your cat likes.

  64. Ahh the puffy cats were hysterical! The new kitty is suuuper cute. I want a new kitty too :(

  65. I love the puffy kitties!
    I always have the itch to adopt/save a new kitty, but I'm scared my territorial Bengal will not accept another addition -____- for a female cat, she can play very rough! She isn't afraid to do anything, and although she seems to like dogs, she isn't so fond of other cats. Hmm.

  66. omg i think ik the woman u went to to get that cat :ooo

  67. Hi Yasmine,
    this blog is amazing and you are very talented. Plus, it's evident how much you love your pets: I've never seen someone portray a cat's behaviour so accurately!

  68. Has your new kitten had pelvis x-rays? Just thought from your description he could have fractured one or both femoral head growth plates (somewhat common in male adolescent cats, especially if neutered young, which I assume he is if he was a rescue). If so it could be fixable.
    More info here...

    Just $0.02 from a friendly veterinarian :) Best of luck with the new addition...

  69. Beautiful kitty! I volunteer in cat rescue and it's great to see that you adopted one who needs a little bit extra care. So many that aren't viewed a 'perfect' are overlooked.

    And to throw in my $0.02 cents, if it's not fixable with conventional vet care, sometimes acupuncture and or physical therapy works wonders (without those two things, I think I would have had to have my arthritic Collie euthanized a couple of years ago).

  70. Definitely a maine coon. Mine has similar markings and is huge. They can grow to be about 20lbs. Thankfully, that size limits their ability/confidence in jumping up onto things. Just wait til he starts growing in his winter coat. ;)

  71. Haha, I know the feels of the Adoptions-R-Us my family and I have fostered several cats now. And three of them have been "my babies".

    That is the typical emotions you get from someone who takes care of kittens before they go to a home...
