Sunday, October 3, 2010

This is how it starts :P

Much of my cats have been strays, and the rest are adopted. When I lived in Arizona, we'd pick up cats, and once a dog (Puppy) roaming around in the heat. They all become indoor pets once I adopt them. But I walk them in the yard twice a day.


  1. Oh goodness, this is so me. (And I, too, have been helping kitties in AZ, although I *usually* manage to find a home for them elsewhere.)

  2. Um....this is super true. It's REALLY hard to deal with all the postings about kitties who are being euthanized (why don't they just say killed?!) in is SO easy to slide down the slippery slope.....! Love your cartoons always!

  3. My lord this is gonna be me in the future....

    1. Biggymike-In-Future October 10 2020 at 5:19 PM

      Yes child..
      Yes you will havezxcvbnmmmmmm,.//
      Sorry mittens your future cat sat on the keyboard ;)

  4. aw your posts make my day :) i tried to save a stray the other week but sadly it was too poorly to carry on but at least it had a nice safe place to rest for the night <3

  5. that is lovely. I always have stray cats and I feel so happy when at least one of them has a home with me. my current cat's a stray too.

  6. I currently have 15 cats...all rescues or strays. I have been told that if I even think about bringing home any more my friends will hold an intervention for me.

  7. Bless you! This is what any kind and compassionate person -- which should be ANYONE but in this world, is not -- would do! Rescue is a family tradition here as well, and all of my loved ones are rescues. ;)

  8. Count me in with the "crazies" - we have 16 currently. Thank goodness for large houses and smaller than average cats. :)

  9. I love this comic!
    I have six, all rescued. I live in Phoenix, and it certainly gets hot. I have shaded areas outdoors and lots of big water bowls for the stray cats in the neighborhood, and feed them twice a day.

  10. AHHH! we found a kitty hobbling around in our neighborhood last friday. we felt so bad for it we took it to the vet and found out it doesnt have aids, rabies, leukemia, diabetes or any teeth except for its front four. its probably about 12-15 years old and only weighs 4.5 pounds. we felt so bad for it and since it doesnt look to be close to death, we kept it (on the carport) and am now feeding her and giving her thyroid meds. shes the SWEETEST little kitty cat but im SOOOO allergic. but shes pitiful and cute and i can't in good conscience let her run the roads to die. oh kitties, how you make my heart melt even though my nose hates me for it <3

  11. I definetly fit into this category! All my animals (3 cats, 3 rats, 2 bunnies) are rescues, and I help feed my need to help by fostering for a local rescue. I get to help sweet little kitties, and love the up, and then send them off to their forever homes! Though I HAVE failed as a foster mom and adopted 3 of my foster cats hehe. They welcome the new foster cats, and all get along, even with my bunnies and rats! I even have a blog for my cats.

  12. lol I love how the dress becomes more tattered and the ribbon comes more undone frame-to-frame. :D Nice touch.

  13. I love what you are doing, adopting stray cats. But for me, I wouldn't feel comfortable with all those cats around. 2 cats are enough for me.

  14. i've been pretty good though. the most i've had is more than that. i only have three cats and 1 dog now.

    and re: strays in phoenix, it's hard to say no and leave them wandering in the desert. it gets up to 114 degrees outside. when i lived there, i'd leave water and food out--though it also attracted other critters :) we had quite a bit of stray visitors and some have made our shed their home. i can't let my pets wander out though since our home is next to the preserves--there are coyotes there!

    oh, and don't even get me started on people who leave their pets in their car--114 degrees outside means it's oven temperatures INSIDE the car. not cool at all.

  15. I currently have 7 cats and 2 dogs...all of them found on the streets. The latest addition to the cat family "Koulis" was found hit by a car in the middle of a busy street!

  16. Bless you, even if you're an atheist!! I think as long as you have the heart and compassion to adopt strays, you'll always be given the means to take care of them. Love your comic.

  17. Crazy Cat Lord here. I could say crazy cat man or crazy cat mister, but Lord adds that super villain element.
    I've never seen a stray cat I didn't wanted to take home with me.

  18. Alternative title for this comic: "The Birth of a Cat Lady".

  19. I'm not quite sure how I got here. I think it had something to do with Winston, then Tiny Pets, but I'm glad I got here because...because I love this place! I will now read you ...forever!
    Also I have five cats.

  20. *sigh* I've tried this. My husband does not react this well! In fact, I just brought the friendliest kitty home last Saturday, but Hubby forced me to put it back out. Okay, so the kitty is an indoor-outdoor cat who already has a home. But I don't know where that home is, and it was cold, and she is much too sweet to be an outdoor cat!

    Trying to convince said Hubby that cats are wonderful! (I'm an equal Cat and Dog person, but he's strictly Dog.) He gets a little angry when I bring up the "Let's Get a Cat!!!" subject.

  21. aw. that's very sweet of you to try to take care of the kitty though :)

  22. i adore your cartoons, i myself adoped one cat, stole an abused cat and fostered the sister of the adopted one...they are now all healthy 8yr olds an still in my home =)

  23. I wish I could adopt all the strays in the world! I would never be able to though and i'm only in a small unit that doesnt allow pets. Grew up with cats that we rescued and ones that followed us home hahah. your work always makes me very happy and nostalgic for my own kitty!

  24. well, i'm absolutely the cat lady
    when i'm walking on the street, i see some sweet kitties. and when i mew, they start to run up to me. that's so... cute. and weird. but i like that.
