Monday, September 13, 2010

My cats, especially the boys, are generally all over the place during the day. They are super extra sweet though when it's night time and they want to cuddle on the bed, or if they're hungry or want a treat. Oh ESPECIALLY when they want a treat.

Funny how cats are the same way as people sometimes :)



  1. they are extra sweet when they want something. but if not, they don't want to be held. that is my cats.

    sorry for my eng.

  2. hey nice blog, i just found it and i bookmarked it. keep up the good job. i just love kitteh habits :)

  3. Every night, my Persian rescue is first into the breakfast room (their banquet room) for treats. Soon, it's a forest of cattails as they all come from wherever they've been relaxing to claim their "junk food" prizes.

  4. just found this thanks to Love the blog, reminds me of me and my two kittehs ~:I

  5. your illustrations are right on!!

    Cat Chat

  6. I love this blog! Crazy cat ladies for the win!!! x3

  7. Ain't it the truth! Heh~

  8. I work all day and come home to two cats and a husband who need to be fed. My cats are not always the loudest! But Kerra knows she doesn't get fed until her special "feeding alarm" goes off. She eats on a schedule for her diet and doesn't usually beg outside of feeding time but when her alarm goes off watch out! She deffinately doesn't let you forget. Jack has always been a begged but at least e stopped outright stealing from dinner plates.

  9. Perhaps we should respect cats more than humans because they keep their motives clear? :p

  10. Nice blog. Your illustration pictures the situation i faced with my 12kittens..;)

  11. I heard the saying 'pets act like their owners.'
    Yeah, it is funny how cats act like people... or is it the other way around?

  12. jajaja that´s so true!!
